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There is empirical truth and artistic truth. The great chemist Prigogine, who won the Nobel Prize and is one of the key founders of Chaos Theory, observed “If Newton had never lived, somebody would have eventually discovered the law of gravity. But if Bach had never lived, there would be no B Minor Mass.”

Empirical and artistic events express a timeless event beyond human comprehension.

The event is mind.

About Me

After an adventurous life in finance and business mostly outside the US, I’ve written two novels.

Crisis Deluxe is set in Hong Kong during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 - 1998. A Prince Among Men is set in Sydney, Australia in the near, post-Covid future. I’ve also published a collection of short stories titled Love in the Last Century.

I’m working on my third novel: a novel about America and Vietnam in the late 1950s until about 1975.

Links to my work / how I have fun

My books can be found on
Crisis Deluxe:
A Prince Among Men:
Love in the Last Century:

This is how I have fun:

The Wallis Rings, the only privately owned set in the world

Subscribe to A Prince Among Men

He is the image of the invisible God. These articles are attempts to discern his image in the world. It's also the title of my novel about high life and low deeds in Sydney:


Author of the novels A Prince Among Men: and Crisis Deluxe: Podcast: The Recovering Investment Banker