What a story! can never take time for granted. I’m guilty of it.

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Thanks for sharing that. It's inspiring to see how people can accomplish so much, even in middle age. It reminds of my "Finding Ultra" by Rich Roll.

My favorite part was how he decided to stick to his commitment to exercising like the beach runners, even after he found out that everything was alright: “You have to keep your promise to yourself about what you would have done if you could just have that second chance.”

I wonder how many of us would actually keep that promise once the impending fear of death was removed.

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Thanks Grant--I appreciate your comments. I've read "Finding Ultra" and although I was not persuaded to go vegan and get into marathons I have a lot of respect for Rich. My next essay on St. John of the Cross, which I've been working on since January, quotes Rich's podcast quite extensively, believe it or not.

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Incredible story! Marcus' zest for life is motivating me to finally complete at least ONE pull up this year.

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You can do it Rachael! It’s all about the right / realistic progressions!

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